[Digikam-users] Good example (?) on Digikam site

Gerhard Kulzer gerhardkgmx at gmail.com
Sun Jan 20 00:15:25 GMT 2008

Am Sunday 20 January 2008 schrieb Chris G:
> I have just been pottering around the Digikam web site and spotted the
> following:-
>     http://www.digikam.org/?q=node/103
> It's a brilliant illustration of what I want an enhancement for, look
> at the order of the albums in the TODO album.  The months are not in
> date order.  I want to be able to either specify that the albums are
> sorted by date (i.e. creation date of the directory) or (even better)
> to be able to drag and drop them to the order I want.
> I have added wish 156186 to bugzilla for this.

I'm not sure if your wish can't be fulfilled otherwise.
For example I create my albums so that the alphabetical ordering works:
--0108 for January 2008
--0208 ...
It also works with winter, spring etc using q108, q208...

I export a lot of images to galleries, and there the distinction of e.g. 0108 
is very usefull since you know exactly from which album to pick the images to 

><((((º> ¸.·´¯`·... ><((((º> ¸.·´¯`·...¸ ><((((º>
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