[Digikam-users] Jpeg export changes image

Bill Sanders billysanders at gmail.com
Sat Oct 20 02:47:28 BST 2007

So I must confess that I really might be over my head.

So, let me see if I've got this right.

To properly convert to JPG from RAW, I need a color profile.  Is this the same 
thing as an ICC file?  This file is different for different cameras, raw 
decoders, and lighting situation?

Does this file (or a set of these files?) come with my camera's software in 
some way?

And finally, so there isn't a way of just saying "The image as it is presented 
in digikam looks just like I want it, make it look like that?"  It just seems 
crazy that digikam can display it perfectly, but dcraw (I believe thats the 
raw decoder?) produces a wildly different image

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