[Digikam-users] Lost toolbar after building from svn.

Caspar Maessen cmaessen at casco.demon.nl
Fri Oct 5 21:44:08 BST 2007

Op vrijdag 5 oktober 2007, schreef Arnd Baecker:

  > presumably you left digikam in full-screen mode,
  > its a known issue
  > http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/digikam-users/2007-July/003939.html
  > Bug: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=147771
  > Pressing CTRL-SHIFT-F twice should bring you the menu-bar back...
I'm aware off that issue, and tired this keystroke already. 
Selecting "Configure Toolbars" in the Settings-menu gives me a window 
without any available actions to select, and no current actions.


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