[Digikam-users] complete noob with questions

BabaG grlockwood at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 25 06:19:34 BST 2007

have just discovered digikam and am wondering about
a couple of things. i just installed a mandriva linux distro 
on my laptop and, for laughs, decided to click on one of
my canon .cr2 files to see what would happen before i
went about researching what to install and such. to my 
surprise, the digikam viewer opened the file directly,
informing me that it's using dcraw. wow!

i spent the next couple of hours playing with the editor's 
controls and checking out how all that worked. i really 
like it and am finding it very a intuitive interface.

the questions:

is there an easy way to get behind the interface for
something like batch processing? i'd like to be able to
take a representative image, adjust it in the editor,
making note of the various settings, and then go to the
command line to apply those settings from within a
script. how would i go about that with digikam? are 
there guides for such a workflow? or would i have to use
something else for this? 

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