[Digikam-users] image viewing only works as root

Armond Paiva armondpaiva at gmail.com
Mon Feb 5 00:23:02 GMT 2007

digiKam is installed and running mostly great on my gentoo system.
It's pulling images off of a Cannon EOS Rebel Xti without any

However, it is only display images from an album when running as root
user.  All albums appear empty when non-root.

When importing as non-root a dialog pops up saying:

    "Could not start process Unable to create io-slave: klauncher
said: Unknown protocol 'digikamalbums'."

Here are the version numbers and 'use' flag info:

    media-gfx/digikam-0.8.2-r1  USE="arts doc nfs -debug
-kdehiddenvisibility -xinerama" LINGUAS="-bg -bn -br -ca -cs -cy -da
-de -el -en_GB -es -et -eu -fi -fr -ga -gl -he -hu -is -it -ja -km -lt
-mk -ms -mt -nb -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -rw -sl -sr
-sr at Latn -sv -ta -tr -uk -vi -zh_CN" 0 kB

    media-plugins/digikamimageplugins-0.8.2  USE="arts -debug -xinerama"

Thanks in advance, -Armond

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