[Digikam-users] F-Spot --> Digikam

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Wed Apr 25 16:12:11 BST 2007

Andy Choens wrote:
> Well, after using Ubuntu/Gnome for years, I randomly installed Kubuntu on my 
> laptop and digikam is one of the main reasons I decided to leave GNOME. 
> Digikam's speed and feature set are IMPRESSIVE.

I know this is in no way answering your question but just wanted to
state my POV.

I've been a Gnome user for years and I really like it. That said I also
use *loads* of KDE apps and even develop for a few too. Digikam and
Amarok are my two fav apps and I use Kate as my general editor of choice
and kpdf for, well, viewing PDFs... ;)

I still use my Gnome desktop however and can't see me changing anytime soon.

I happily accept my desktop sluttyness and find combining Gnome and KDE
apps pretty seamless. I've not use Ubunku/Kubuntu so don't know if they
really separate out the two Desktops, but I'd imagine its easy enough to
install both at the same time..... It's certainly mega simple on e.g.
Mandriva (which is my personal distro of choice).

Take care.


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