DNN face detector fails with images that have many faces
Maik Qualmann
metzpinguin at gmail.com
Sat May 16 23:34:53 BST 2020
Yes, the problem that not all faces are always detected has been reported and
we also have bug reports. I think Thanh did his work with the YOLO model. The
YOLO model recognizes all faces in pictures. But because of the size of the
precalculated model data, we decided on the SSDMOBILENET. Therefore we would
like to make the YOLO model available for download and implement it as part of
the GSoC2020.
You can easily switch to the YOLO model (facedetector.cpp: 85). The model data
must be installed to /usr/share/digikam/facesengine/.
Am Samstag, 16. Mai 2020, 23:24:39 CEST schrieb Nghia Duong:
> Hi all,
> I was messing around with the face detection module when I found some
> abnormal behaviors. DNN face detection module fails to detect faces in some
> images that contain many faces, especially images that have faces align
> horizontally. Furthermore, the overloaded functions prepareForDetection of
> OpenCVDNNFaceDetector give different performances. For example, It cannot
> detect any faces in the sample photo codingsprint2009-01.jpg in the folder
> core/tests/facesengine/data.
> Q: Has this kind of issue ever been reported? If not, could any of you help
> me re-verify this problem?
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards.
> Nghia
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