Plan for first digiKam 6.0.0 beta1 including students devel branches

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at
Sat Jun 16 13:28:28 BST 2018

Hi all,

Since the first students evaluation is passed with GSoC 2018, We can plan a
first public 6.0.0-beta1 version in few days.

For that we need to know which branch is enough advanced to be tested in
real conditions by end-users. This imply to merge back you devel branch to
master. We release beta with master. If your code is enough mature, the
implementation finalization can continue in master instead your devel
branch until the final 6.0.0 release planed in September/October 2018.

Thanh, Tarek, Yingjie, please give us a feedback about this important stage
? Thanks in advance


Gilles Caulier
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