[Digikam-devel] New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for digiKam

scan-admin at coverity.com scan-admin at coverity.com
Sun Nov 1 13:47:55 GMT 2015


Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to digiKam found with Coverity Scan.

15 new defect(s) introduced to digiKam found with Coverity Scan.
46 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
Showing 15 of 15 defect(s)

** CID 1338008:  Uninitialized members  (UNINIT_CTOR)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/imgur/imgurtalkerauth.cpp: 50 in KIPIImgurPlugin::ImgurTalkerAuth::Private::Private()()

*** CID 1338008:  Uninitialized members  (UNINIT_CTOR)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/imgur/imgurtalkerauth.cpp: 50 in KIPIImgurPlugin::ImgurTalkerAuth::Private::Private()()
44             userAgent                            = QLatin1String("KIPI-Plugins-ImgurExport") + QLatin1String("/") + kipipluginsVersion();
45             const char _imgurApiConsumerKey[]    = _IMGUR_API_CONSUMER_KEY;
46             consumerKey                          = QByteArray( _imgurApiConsumerKey );
47             const char _imgurApiConsumerSecret[] = _IMGUR_API_CONSUMER_SECRET;
48             consumerSecret                       = QByteArray( _imgurApiConsumerSecret );
49             continueUpload                       = true;
>>>     CID 1338008:  Uninitialized members  (UNINIT_CTOR)
>>>     Non-static class member "OAuthRequest" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
50         }
52         QString         userAgent;
54         KQOAuthManager* OAuthService;
55         KQOAuthRequest* OAuthRequest;

** CID 1338007:  Incorrect expression  (IDENTICAL_BRANCHES)
/core/libs/facesengine/moc_databasefacecorebackend.cpp: 85 in FacesEngine::DatabaseFaceCoreBackend::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void **)()

*** CID 1338007:  Incorrect expression  (IDENTICAL_BRANCHES)
/core/libs/facesengine/moc_databasefacecorebackend.cpp: 85 in FacesEngine::DatabaseFaceCoreBackend::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void **)()
79         return QObject::qt_metacast(_clname);
80     }
82     int FacesEngine::DatabaseFaceCoreBackend::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)
83     {
84         _id = QObject::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a);
>>>     CID 1338007:  Incorrect expression  (IDENTICAL_BRANCHES)
>>>     The same code is executed when the condition "_id < 0" is true or false, because the code in the if-then branch and after the if statement is identical. Should the if statement be removed?
85         if (_id < 0)
86             return _id;
87         return _id;
88     }

** CID 1338006:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/core/imageplugins/enhance/hotpixels/blackframeparser.cpp: 95 in DigikamEnhanceImagePlugin::BlackFrameParser::parseBlackFrame(const QUrl &)()

*** CID 1338006:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/core/imageplugins/enhance/hotpixels/blackframeparser.cpp: 95 in DigikamEnhanceImagePlugin::BlackFrameParser::parseBlackFrame(const QUrl &)()
89             {
90                 QFile::remove(m_tempFilePath);
91             }
93             QTemporaryFile tmpFile;
94             tmpFile.setAutoRemove(false);
>>>     CID 1338006:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     Calling "open" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 4 out of 5 times).
95             tmpFile.open();
97             localFile      = tmpFile.fileName();
98             m_tempFilePath = localFile;
100             KIOWrapper::fileCopy(url, QUrl::fromLocalFile(localFile), true, qApp->activeWindow());

** CID 1334991:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/usr/lib64/qt5/include/QtCore/qglobal.h: 1067 in ()

*** CID 1334991:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/usr/lib64/qt5/include/QtCore/qglobal.h: 1067 in ()
1061     Q_CORE_EXPORT int qrand();
1063     #define QT_MODULE(x)
1065     #if !defined(QT_BOOTSTRAPPED) && defined(QT_REDUCE_RELOCATIONS) && defined(__ELF__) && \
1066         (!defined(__PIC__) || (defined(__PIE__) && defined(Q_CC_GNU) && Q_CC_GNU >= 500))
>>>     CID 1334991:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     During compilation of file '/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/build/core/databaseserver/databaseserveradaptor.cpp'
1067     #  error "You must build your code with position independent code if Qt was built with -reduce-relocations. "\
1068              "Compile your code with -fPIC (-fPIE is not enough)."
1069     #endif
1071     namespace QtPrivate {
1072     //like std::enable_if

** CID 1324461:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/sendimages/sendimages.cpp: 302 in KIPISendimagesPlugin::SendImages::buildPropertiesFile()()

*** CID 1324461:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/sendimages/sendimages.cpp: 302 in KIPISendimagesPlugin::SendImages::buildPropertiesFile()()
296             }
298             QFile propertiesFile( d->settings.tempPath + i18n("properties.txt") );
299             QTextStream stream( &propertiesFile );
300             stream.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"));
301             stream.setAutoDetectUnicode(true);
>>>     CID 1324461:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     Calling "open" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 78 out of 96 times).
302             propertiesFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
303             stream << propertiesText << QLatin1String("\n");
304             propertiesFile.close();
305             d->attachementFiles << QUrl(propertiesFile.fileName());
307             d->progressDlg->progressWidget()->addedAction(i18n("Image properties file done"), SuccessMessage);

** CID 1324460:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/mediawiki/wikimediajob.cpp: 145 in KIPIWikiMediaPlugin::WikiMediaJob::uploadHandle(KJob *)()

*** CID 1324460:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/mediawiki/wikimediajob.cpp: 145 in KIPIWikiMediaPlugin::WikiMediaJob::uploadHandle(KJob *)()
139             QMap<QString,QString> info = d->imageDesc.take(keys.first());
140             Upload* const e1           = new Upload(*d->mediawiki, this);
142             qCDebug(KIPIPLUGINS_LOG) << "Path:" << keys.first();
144             QFile* const file = new QFile(keys.first(),this);
>>>     CID 1324460:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     Calling "open" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 78 out of 96 times).
145             file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
146             //emit fileUploadProgress(done = 0, total file.size());
148             e1->setFile(file);
149             d->currentFile = file->fileName();
150             qCDebug(KIPIPLUGINS_LOG) << "Name:" << file->fileName();

** CID 1324459:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/kmlexport/kmlexport.cpp: 525 in KIPIKMLExportPlugin::KmlExport::generate()()

*** CID 1324459:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/kmlexport/kmlexport.cpp: 525 in KIPIKMLExportPlugin::KmlExport::generate()()
519                                            "No position data for %1 pictures", defectImage));
520         }
522         /** @todo change to kml or kmz if compressed */
523         QFile file(m_tempDestDir.filePath(m_KMLFileName + QLatin1String(".kml")));
524         /** @todo handle file opening problems */
>>>     CID 1324459:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     Calling "open" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 78 out of 96 times).
525         file.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly );
526         QTextStream stream( &file ); // we will serialize the data into the file
527         stream << m_kmlDocument->toString();
528         file.close();
530         delete m_kmlDocument;

** CID 1324458:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/kmlexport/kmlexport.cpp: 201 in KIPIKMLExportPlugin::KmlExport::generateImagesthumb(const QUrl &, QDomElement &)()

*** CID 1324458:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/kmlexport/kmlexport.cpp: 201 in KIPIKMLExportPlugin::KmlExport::generateImagesthumb(const QUrl &, QDomElement &)()
195         {
196             logWarning(i18n("Format of image '%1' is unknown",path));
197             return;
198         }
200         imageFile.close();
>>>     CID 1324458:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     Calling "open" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 78 out of 96 times).
201         imageFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
203         QByteArray imageData = imageFile.readAll();
204         QImage image;
206         if (!image.loadFromData(imageData) )

** CID 1324457:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/flashexport/simpleviewer.cpp: 403 in KIPIFlashExportPlugin::SimpleViewer::exportImages()()

*** CID 1324457:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/flashexport/simpleviewer.cpp: 403 in KIPIFlashExportPlugin::SimpleViewer::exportImages()()
398         d->progressWdg->addedAction(i18n("Creating images and thumbnails..."), StartingMessage);
400         QUrl xmlFile(d->tempDir->path());
402         QFile file(xmlFile.path());
>>>     CID 1324457:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     Calling "open" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 78 out of 96 times).
403         file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
405         // header of gallery.xml
406         QDomElement  galleryElem;
407         QDomElement  photosElem;
408         QDomDocument xmlDoc;

** CID 1324456:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/common/libkipiplugins/widgets/kpimageslist.cpp: 1057 in KIPIPlugins::KPImagesList::slotSaveItems()()

*** CID 1324456:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/common/libkipiplugins/widgets/kpimageslist.cpp: 1057 in KIPIPlugins::KPImagesList::slotSaveItems()()
1051         {
1052             qCDebug(KIPIPLUGINS_LOG) << "empty url ";
1053             return;
1054         }
1056         QFile file(saveLevelsFile.path() /*.prettyUrl().toAscii()*/);
>>>     CID 1324456:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     Calling "open" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 78 out of 96 times).
1057         file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
1058     //  file.open(stdout, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
1060         QXmlStreamWriter xmlWriter;
1061         xmlWriter.setDevice(&file);

** CID 1324455:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/common/libkipiplugins/widgets/kpimageslist.cpp: 996 in KIPIPlugins::KPImagesList::slotLoadItems()()

*** CID 1324455:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/common/libkipiplugins/widgets/kpimageslist.cpp: 996 in KIPIPlugins::KPImagesList::slotLoadItems()()
990             return;
991         }
993         QFile file(loadLevelsFile.path());
995         qCDebug(KIPIPLUGINS_LOG) << "file path " << loadLevelsFile.path();
>>>     CID 1324455:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     Calling "open" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 78 out of 96 times).
996         file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
997         QXmlStreamReader xmlReader;
998         xmlReader.setDevice(&file);
1000         while (!xmlReader.atEnd())
1001         {

** CID 1324454:    (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/flashexport/simpleviewer.cpp: 841 in KIPIFlashExportPlugin::SimpleViewer::createIndex() const()
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/flashexport/simpleviewer.cpp: 853 in KIPIFlashExportPlugin::SimpleViewer::createIndex() const()
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/flashexport/simpleviewer.cpp: 872 in KIPIFlashExportPlugin::SimpleViewer::createIndex() const()
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/flashexport/simpleviewer.cpp: 884 in KIPIFlashExportPlugin::SimpleViewer::createIndex() const()
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/flashexport/simpleviewer.cpp: 903 in KIPIFlashExportPlugin::SimpleViewer::createIndex() const()
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/flashexport/simpleviewer.cpp: 941 in KIPIFlashExportPlugin::SimpleViewer::createIndex() const()
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/flashexport/simpleviewer.cpp: 959 in KIPIFlashExportPlugin::SimpleViewer::createIndex() const()
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/flashexport/simpleviewer.cpp: 969 in KIPIFlashExportPlugin::SimpleViewer::createIndex() const()

*** CID 1324454:    (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/flashexport/simpleviewer.cpp: 841 in KIPIFlashExportPlugin::SimpleViewer::createIndex() const()
835                     //TODO: errormsg
836                     qCDebug(KIPIPLUGINS_LOG) << "No indexTemplateName" ;
837                     return false;
838                 }
840                 QFile infile(indexTemplateName);
>>>     CID 1324454:    (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     Calling "open" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 78 out of 96 times).
841                 infile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
842                 QTextStream in(&infile);
843                 QString indexTemplate = in.readAll();
844                 infile.close();
846                 indexTemplate.replace(QStringLiteral("{TITLE}"),    d->settings->title);
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/flashexport/simpleviewer.cpp: 853 in KIPIFlashExportPlugin::SimpleViewer::createIndex() const()
847                 indexTemplate.replace(QStringLiteral("{COLOR}"),    d->settings->textColor.name());
848                 indexTemplate.replace(QStringLiteral("{BGCOLOR}"),  d->settings->backgroundColor.name());
849                 indexTemplate.replace(QStringLiteral("{HOSTURL}"),  d->hostUrl);
850                 indexTemplate.replace(QStringLiteral("{HOSTNAME}"), d->hostName);
852                 QFile outfile(d->tempDir->path() + QStringLiteral("/index.html"));
>>>     CID 1324454:    (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     Calling "open" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 78 out of 96 times).
853                 outfile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
854                 QTextStream out(&outfile);
855                 out << indexTemplate;
856                 outfile.close();
857                 break;
858             }
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/flashexport/simpleviewer.cpp: 872 in KIPIFlashExportPlugin::SimpleViewer::createIndex() const()
866                     //TODO: errormsg
867                     qCDebug(KIPIPLUGINS_LOG) << "No indexTemplateName" ;
868                     return false;
869                 }
871                 QFile infile(indexTemplateName);
>>>     CID 1324454:    (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     Calling "open" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 78 out of 96 times).
872                 infile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
873                 QTextStream in(&infile);
874                 QString indexTemplate = in.readAll();
875                 infile.close();
877                 indexTemplate.replace(QStringLiteral("{TITLE}"),    d->settings->title);
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/flashexport/simpleviewer.cpp: 884 in KIPIFlashExportPlugin::SimpleViewer::createIndex() const()
878                 indexTemplate.replace(QStringLiteral("{COLOR}"),    d->settings->textColor.name());
879                 indexTemplate.replace(QStringLiteral("{BGCOLOR}"),  d->settings->backgroundColor.name());
880                 //indexTemplate.replace("{HOSTNAME}", d->hostName);
881                 //indexTemplate.replace("{HOSTURL}",  d->hostUrl);
883                 QFile outfile(d->tempDir->path() + QStringLiteral("/index.html"));
>>>     CID 1324454:    (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     Calling "open" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 78 out of 96 times).
884                 outfile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
885                 QTextStream out(&outfile);
886                 out << indexTemplate;
887                 outfile.close();
888                 break;
889             }
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/flashexport/simpleviewer.cpp: 903 in KIPIFlashExportPlugin::SimpleViewer::createIndex() const()
897                     //TODO: errormsg
898                     qCDebug(KIPIPLUGINS_LOG) << "No indexTemplateName" ;
899                     return false;
900                 }
902                 QFile infile(indexTemplateName);
>>>     CID 1324454:    (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     Calling "open" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 78 out of 96 times).
903                 infile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
904                 QTextStream in(&infile);
905                 QString indexTemplate = in.readAll();
906                 infile.close();
908                 indexTemplate.replace(QStringLiteral("{TITLE}"),    d->settings->title);
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/flashexport/simpleviewer.cpp: 941 in KIPIFlashExportPlugin::SimpleViewer::createIndex() const()
935                                           QLatin1Char('#'), QStringLiteral("0x")));
936                 indexTemplate.replace(QStringLiteral("{BACKOUTCOLOR}"),
937                                       d->settings->bkgndOuterColor.name().replace(
938                                           QLatin1Char('#'), QStringLiteral("0x")));
940                 QFile outfile(d->tempDir->path() + QStringLiteral("/index.html"));
>>>     CID 1324454:    (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     Calling "open" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 78 out of 96 times).
941                 outfile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
942                 QTextStream out(&outfile);
943                 out << indexTemplate;
944                 outfile.close();
945                 break;
946             }
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/flashexport/simpleviewer.cpp: 959 in KIPIFlashExportPlugin::SimpleViewer::createIndex() const()
953                     //TODO: errormsg
954                     qCDebug(KIPIPLUGINS_LOG) << "No indexTemplateName" ;
955                     return false;
956                 }
958                 QFile infile(indexTemplateName);
>>>     CID 1324454:    (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     Calling "open" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 78 out of 96 times).
959                 infile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
960                 QTextStream in(&infile);
961                 QString indexTemplate = in.readAll();
962                 infile.close();
964                 indexTemplate.replace(QStringLiteral("{TITLE}"),    d->settings->title);
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/flashexport/simpleviewer.cpp: 969 in KIPIFlashExportPlugin::SimpleViewer::createIndex() const()
964                 indexTemplate.replace(QStringLiteral("{TITLE}"),    d->settings->title);
965                 indexTemplate.replace(QStringLiteral("{COLOR}"),    d->settings->textColor.name());
966                 indexTemplate.replace(QStringLiteral("{BGCOLOR}"),  d->settings->backgroundColor.name());
968                 QFile outfile(d->tempDir->path() + QStringLiteral("/index.html"));
>>>     CID 1324454:    (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     Calling "open" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 78 out of 96 times).
969                 outfile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
970                 QTextStream out(&outfile);
971                 out << indexTemplate;
972                 outfile.close();
973                 break;
974             }

** CID 1324453:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/piwigo/piwigotalker.cpp: 104 in KIPIPiwigoExportPlugin::PiwigoTalker::computeMD5Sum(const QString &)()

*** CID 1324453:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/piwigo/piwigotalker.cpp: 104 in KIPIPiwigoExportPlugin::PiwigoTalker::computeMD5Sum(const QString &)()
98     }
100     QByteArray PiwigoTalker::computeMD5Sum(const QString& filepath)
101     {
102         QFile file(filepath);
>>>     CID 1324453:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     Calling "open" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 78 out of 96 times).
104         file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
105         QByteArray md5sum = QCryptographicHash::hash(file.readAll(), QCryptographicHash::Md5);
106         file.close();
108         return md5sum;
109     }

** CID 1324452:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/piwigo/piwigotalker.cpp: 835 in KIPIPiwigoExportPlugin::PiwigoTalker::addNextChunk()()

*** CID 1324452:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
/home/gilles/Devel/5.x/extra/kipi-plugins/piwigo/piwigotalker.cpp: 835 in KIPIPiwigoExportPlugin::PiwigoTalker::addNextChunk()()
829     void PiwigoTalker::addNextChunk()
830     {
831         m_job   = 0;
833         QFile imagefile(m_path);
>>>     CID 1324452:  Error handling issues  (CHECKED_RETURN)
>>>     Calling "open" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 78 out of 96 times).
835         imagefile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
837         m_chunkId++; // We start with chunk 1
839         imagefile.seek((m_chunkId - 1) * CHUNK_MAX_SIZE);

** CID 1286827:  Null pointer dereferences  (FORWARD_NULL)
/usr/include/c++/5.2.1/bits/basic_string.h: 457 in std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::basic_string(const char *, const std::allocator<char>&)()

*** CID 1286827:  Null pointer dereferences  (FORWARD_NULL)
/usr/include/c++/5.2.1/bits/basic_string.h: 457 in std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>::basic_string(const char *, const std::allocator<char>&)()
451            *  @brief  Construct string as copy of a C string.
452            *  @param  __s  Source C string.
453            *  @param  __a  Allocator to use (default is default allocator).
454            */
455           basic_string(const _CharT* __s, const _Alloc& __a = _Alloc())
456           : _M_dataplus(_M_local_data(), __a)
>>>     CID 1286827:  Null pointer dereferences  (FORWARD_NULL)
>>>     Comparing "__s" to null implies that "__s" might be null.
457           { _M_construct(__s, __s ? __s + traits_type::length(__s) : __s+npos); }
459           /**
460            *  @brief  Construct string as multiple characters.
461            *  @param  __n  Number of characters.
462            *  @param  __c  Character to use.

To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://scan.coverity.com/projects/digikam?tab=overview

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