[Digikam-devel] Batch Queue Manager
Gilles Caulier
caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Wed Nov 20 16:57:06 GMT 2013
Any progress here ?
Gilles Caulier
2013/11/17 Gilles Caulier <caulier.gilles at gmail.com>:
> 2013/11/17 Yuri Samoilenko <kinnalru at gmail.com>:
>> Hello.
>> 2013/11/16 Gilles Caulier <caulier.gilles at gmail.com>
>>> 1. ...This option must go in "External Tools" ...
>> ok
>>> 2. "External Tools" settings view is not the right name. Action
>>> performed by this view will be processed at end of queue. So for me
>>> the term is not enough explicit for end users. I'm sure that nobody
>>> will understand as well the purpose of this view. This is why it must
>>> be renamed, and some tips must be written in a label in this view to
>>> explain what's end users can do with it.
>> I will glad to rename 'external tools', but I have a trouble with new
>> name... If I undestood right you suggested to rename it to "External View"?
>> When I selects the name I was inspired by Kate plugin "external tools", you
>> can look at it in couple of first images:
>> https://www.google.ru/search?q=kate+external+tools&newwindow=1&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=hm2IUqWhIKaK4AS2mIDIAg&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1866&bih=1038&dpr=0.9#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=vSs6YDHs_uZJQM%3A%3B7jElwIRntJX6AM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.tuxmachines.org%252Fimages%252Fgfkate%252Fkate2.png%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.tuxmachines.org%252Fnode%252F13762%3B888%3B691
> If you let "external Tools", user can ask why this option do not exist
> for each item, as BQM tools...
> BQM tools are DImg based to process image.
> External tools are to process all files after queue processing.
> So a new name must be found, as "Post-processing Tools" for example.
>>> 3. ... The program, can be a binary or a script. In
>>> this view you force to use a script, by default as bash. And what's
>>> about Windows where Batch shell script are used. In other words, you
>>> need to write a GUI more universal where these information must be
>>> show :
>>> - the path to the Program
>>> - the name of the Program
>>> - the description of the Program
>>> - the arguments to pass to the Program.
>> ok
>>> ... Because, if i'm not to
>>> wrong, scripts will be hosted as external file in home directory.
>>> Right ?...
>> Some times it is too complex to host very simple script outside of 'usage
>> point'. I think when I implement previous feature we will return to this :)
>> 4. In your GUI, i recommend to propose a list of Programs available
>>> and ready to use. User will assign one Program to the queue, and that
>>> all. The list can be stored in workflow XML file. Look how i do with
>>> workflow list view (workflow name + description are displayed)...
>> I can't understand... GUI already have a combobox to select a name from
>> available items...
> Perhaps i have not the last commit from you in dedicated branch.
> Anyway, look my other mail about in this thread, especially about to
> plug a new page in Setup dialog to host "external tools settings"
>>>> What's the purpose of "Show in Context Menu" option ? Which menu is
>>>> patched by your implementation ?
>> The 'Edit' menu, near 'rename', and the DigikamImageView context menu, near
>> 'rename'. I have done an ugly hack to get contexmenu updated from my GUI - I
>> need help/explanation with right sollution.
>> I think 'Show in Context Menu' is good feature - user can create custom
>> postprocessing action and assign in to shortcut(Ctrl+Alt+A to archive all
>> selected files).
> Idem here. See my other mail about in this thread.
> Gilles
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