[Digikam-devel] Re: Students finished their first task on ROSEDU's Community and Development Lab

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 08:13:55 GMT 2011

2011/3/16 Gabriel Voicu <ping.gabi at gmail.com>:
> Hello everyone,
> First of all, I would like to start this email by introducing the two
> students that started working for Digikam on ROSEDU's Community and
> Development Lab. Their name are: Victor Dodon (dodonvictor at gmail.com) and
> Veceslav Munteanu (slavuttici at gmail.com). I would like to mention that
> Victor Dodon, who is a very capable student, wants to participate in this
> year GSoC for Digikam, so I think that this is a very good opportunity to
> know him better before the application period starts.

Welcome to him for next GSoC. He have take a look on subjects proposed
this year ?

> Secondly, I am glad to announce you that Victor already merged the three
> metadata edit dialogs: IPTC, XMP and EXIF into one dialog with three tabs. I
> attached the patch to this email, so please tell us what you think about it!

Sound like the patch is not formated properlly :

[gilles at localhost 2.x]$ patch -p0 < metadataedit_merged_in_tabs.diff
patch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input.

> Also, we would like to ask you what do you want to do with the remained
> options: "Remove XMP/PTC/Exif" and "Import XML/IPTC/Exif". How do you want
> us to merge them?

For "Remove XMP/PTC/Exif" option, it can be removed since Batch Queue
Manager has a similar tool.
For "Import XML/IPTC/Exif" option, BQM tool do not exist yet. It
cannot be removed yet. This can be a new job for students...

> Thirdly, in short time we want to start working on implementing the face
> recognition tags inside images metadata. What expectations do you have from
> us in order to solve this task? Can you please give us a starting point?
> Also, what XML schema should we adopt when saving the tags?

These questions are for Marcel.

> Just that you know, until we receive some directions for implementing the
> face recognition tags, we will work on finishing the refactoring of DNG
> Converter.

Fine. Let's me hear if you need help here.

Don't forget that Jens Muller currently maintain this plugin,
especially the core implementation. Has you will work on GUI, this
will not interfere with core code. Anyway, if you have a doubt, ask to



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