[Digikam-devel] Re: Status of face detection

Gert Kello gert.kello at gmail.com
Tue Nov 16 14:20:40 GMT 2010

Thanks, now it compiles fine.

> The second problem is a static variable declared in a header file included
> multiple times. I have removed the "static", that should work just as well.
> Dont know why this fails. Please check if you get any more errors in CImg.h.

Actually it does not fail, it is just a warning. Just tested by
reverting the change You made:

Linking CXX shared library ..\bin\libdigikamlib.dll
Creating library file: ..\bin\libdigikamlib.dll.a
warning: dupli
cate section `.data$_ZZN12cimg_library4CImgIhE9logo40x38EvE3res[cimg_library::CImg<unsigned
char>::logo40x38()::res]' has different size

[ 38%] Built target digikamcore


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