[Digikam-devel] Digikam-devel Digest, Vol 60, Issue 68

Marcel Wiesweg marcel.wiesweg at gmx.de
Thu May 20 09:49:09 BST 2010

> No, I played a little with the script, but no luck :( I've also tried to
> link the kio_digikamalbums.so to several places to see if it gets picked up
> there, but it didn't. Can I somehow see where is digiKam looking for the
> file? Even by adding some temp output lines in the code (where?). Also,
> when I run /usr/local/bin/digikam directly without the env script, it
> can't find this lib either, which I though it should when there is the
> distro version present and working correctly (and the libs are in
> /usr/lib64/kde4).
> Any ideas?

It's kdelibs loading the ioslave files. Nothing we care at all about in our 
code, just create a job with a digikamalbums:/ URL and KDE does everything for 
us. I can imagine that kdeinit will only look in standard KDE directories, 
unless you tell it to look elsewhere.

Why not install digikam in standard KDE places?

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