[Digikam-devel] digiKam workflow - after holidays

Mikolaj Machowski mikmach at wp.pl
Sun Mar 29 22:16:52 BST 2009


I'd like to address some aspect of usability we don't talk much about
here: complete workflow profile. There are many requests "implement that
- it will improve workflow/usability" but it almost always touches only
one point of working with image(s) not complete workflow from importing
of image to database to final output.

I specially used vague terms like "importing of image" and "final
output" because in some workflows importing isn't done from camera and
final version can be very different.

I will present what I am doing with my images, what is bothering me with
current digiKam possibilities. I hope other people will step up and
describe they workflows. In the end will should be able to synthesize
several base workflows and ask for functionalities which would benefit
wide audience of users.

Profile: After vacation

I was on ten day vacation in Rome with my SO (it was her birthday gift).
We've had 2 cameras, since she isn't much technical person I am handling
all "after" functions. Also noticed that many other couples had two
cameras so this isn't rare scenario.

Downloading of photos

Hook up cameras to USB cable, detection of hardware is right, no
problems here. digiKam detects new photos on my camera, cannot find on
second one. 

First wish: digiKam should keep account for various cameras
which photos were downloaded and which not. Such feature will not only
benefit persons which handle cameras of various people but also people
with multiple cameras or cards read from card reader.

Second wish: more advanced metadata templates. At the moment you can
only set global identity from settings dialog (BTW - this dialog doesn't
provide Contact fields). Cannot choose between different photographers
to set copyright fields. Also I would like to be able to set common
fields for all photos like: origin (including GPS coordinates), credits,
subjects, keywords, categories. Some of them would need refinement later
but core will be the same for all photos. Of course metadata templates
framework could be used in whole digiKam not only during download.


Rest of import dialog functionality is OK for me.

First selection

After downloading I make quick run through photos deleting complete
fails and selecting those which will go to next stages of processing.
There are some photos which fit neither here or there so I have
differentiate those selected. Regular selection isn't enough because
I am doing some operations - like deleting or rotating which will not
fit allow for persistent selection. Here comes:

Third wish: workflow markings - aka color labels:


With those labels I can not only mark photos for later processing but by
using various colors it is possible to mark what should be done with


After labeling I can filter view and a) copy selected images to leave
originals in safe place b) use new digiKam feature: image versioning ;)

Moving of image plugins to side panel made things cleaner but didn't
implement one feature which would make it life changing.

Fourth wish: go through images in image plugins not returning to main
editor window. At the moment in you  a) open plugin b) correct image c)
close plugin. It would be better if you could go to next/previous image
with arrows in panel or even choose images using thumbbar.



Well, I am not advanced sharer. Usually just put selected images on pendrive. 
Panel with files tree would be handy here - or even better some common plugin 
(KIPI?) which would allow to perform several tasks like: resize, change file 
format, maybe apply color profile. This plugin should allow to export to file 
system, (s)ftp, etc.


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