[Digikam-devel] Comments on Digikam 0.10

Mikolaj Machowski mikmach at wp.pl
Tue Aug 5 22:26:45 BST 2008

Dnia Tuesday 05 of August 2008, Christoph Bergemann napisaƂ:
> Hi,
> I just tried Digikam 0.10.0_beta2 and I rather like it. However I wanted
> to give you some feedback on two things I didn't like.
> 1. There used to be an option that images open in the image editor when
> clicked on. I couldn't find that anymore. Would be good to have it back.

This is still available: Settings -> Album view -> Interface settings
(lower part of that screen).

> 2. The motto in the splash screen (something like "Manage your photos
> like a professional with the power of open source") really doesn't do
> it. At the least remove the "like a professional", why not bring back
> the old one?

May be good idea. There is a lot of nitpickers out there...


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