[Digikam-devel] Fwd: Trans.: [exiv2] Exiv2 release 0.13

Angelo Naselli anaselli at linux.it
Sun Mar 4 12:28:24 GMT 2007

Alle 12:32, domenica 4 marzo 2007, Andreas Huggel ha scritto:
> On Sunday 04 March 2007 15:14, Gilles Caulier wrote:
> > Angelo, Achim,
> >
> > The Exiv2 library coordinator is in this room (Andreas).
> >
> > Andreas, what do you think about versionning number?
> >
> > Gilles
> Exiv2 and it's interface are still unstable. Thus the 0.x version number 
> and the use of the simple library versioning mechanism. The API/ABI 
> change with every version, although sometimes in subtle ways (which is 
> worse); the current versioning system makes this very clear. The other 
> versioning system is only meaningful if API/ABI are reasonably stable. 
> Exiv2 will get there too.
> For an example of a subtle API change see 
> http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/exiv2/message/523
I don't fully agree with that, if a bug fixing change the api, or an
api changes you can always break binary compatibility using  -version-info
just increasing the first number and let others (two) to zero. 
The right now versioning system is by default a compatibility breaker.
And you can never say from now on i won't break it because you change
the name of the library and who use the old one cannot use the new one
without rebuilding itself. 
You can always break binary compatibility using also  -release X.Y
IMO libtools is quite clear.

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