[Digikam-devel] new requirement libjpeg.la?

Loïc Brarda loic.brarda21 at fnac.net
Thu Feb 15 17:42:23 GMT 2007

2007/2/15, Klaus Weidenbach <Klaus.Weidenbach at gmx.net>:
> Hello,
> Thank you very much for all your help. I found the problem finally. I had to
> install libjasper as a new requirement to compile digikam. And the file
> libjasper.la from libjasper included a new dependency to libjpeg.la. :( I
> removed that dependency in /usr/lib/libjapser.la and it seems that digikam
> compiles fine now.

Hi everybody,

Just a question about libjasper requirement : Digikam could work
without if you don't want to use JPEG-2000. Many applications handle
that at configure time, and do not compile that part if that optionnal
part is not there. I don't know if it's difficult to handle as I don't
know at lot about autoconf/automake stuff but is it possible for
digikam ?

Perhaps it's to late now as I think I've read somewhere that, with
KDE4, autoconf/automake will not be used. Perhaps it's somethink to
think about during the migration.
Being able to reduce the dependancies, at least at configure/compile
time is a good thing.
Even better (but it's probably not possible with actual tools) would
be to handle these requirements at run time, but I'm dreaming.


P.S.:keep on doing this nice work.

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