[Digikam-devel] wiki for digikam (+kipi-plugins)?

Daniel Bauer linux at daniel-bauer.com
Wed Dec 20 09:44:07 GMT 2006

On Wednesday 20 December 2006 09:52, Arnd Baecker wrote:
> Dear all,
> would it be possible (and of interest)
> to set up a wiki for digikam related issues?
> For example Gilles had a very nice and helpful reply to Daniel Bauers
> questions on color management - it would be nice to conserve this
> (and update if necessary) at an easily accessible place.
> Best, Arnd
> P.S.: Gilles and all the many people behind digikam+kipi:
>       **many** thanks for this great software!!!
           ^^^ I assent to this statement :-)

While I agree that conserving good explanations is a good idea, I think...

- if a Wiki, I guess access must be restricted to some who know what they are 
doing and what they say. If it will be like Wikipedia, where everybody can 
put in its opinion, it will be just as useless. I've read so much s**t in 
Wikipedia, that I can imagine such a Wiki would soon have a lot of crap in 

- somebody would have to be the "manager", so that data is consistent and can 
be found with useful indexes/links. The manager would also have to avoid that 
the Wiki gets a place of discussion. To my eyes this is quite a lot of 

- As a suggestion: proposed entries for the wiki could be sent to the 
Digikam-users mailing list, discussed/corrected/ameliorated there, and 
then "the manager" places it on the Wiki (or not).

- The Wiki could then replace the FAQ's (they'd be moved to the Wiki). But it 
could also be vice versa...


Daniel Bauer photographer Basel Switzerland
professional photography: http://www.daniel-bauer.com
Madagascar special: http://www.sanic.ch

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