[Digikam-devel] Usability review of tagging in Digikam 0.8

Dominik Fritz digikam at dominikfritz.de
Mon Jul 18 08:40:39 BST 2005

Am Montag, 18. Juli 2005 06:12 schrieb Renchi Raju:
> i would also like to add a combobox at the bottom of tags frame, which
> has a list of recently assigned tags which you can select quickly (usually
> when you are tagging a bunch of photos, you most likely will be using
> the same tags again and again and this provide quick access to them).

This would be a very cool and absolutely necessary feature because I totally 
agree with Tina that the current interface does not scale very well if you 
have a lot of tags and want to tag a huge amount of images.


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