[Digikam-devel] SideBar support in ShowFoto and Image Editor

Renchi Raju renchi at gmail.com
Wed Aug 17 08:27:30 BST 2005

Wouldn't it be better to wait for this for 0.8.1? The TODO list was
recently cleaned out and the focus was on fixing existing
functionality. We generally brought out very stable releases everytime
and let's keep our reputation that way :).

I like the idea of the sidebar implementation; in any case it will
stop all the complaints about not being able to comment/tag with
"tiny" 256x256 thumbnails. Some issues which will need to be fixed
before it goes into SVN:
a) the tarball you supplied has a duplication of code with existing
widgets elsewhere. Those need to be merged together and put into libs
b) performance issues. For large images, there is a percetible
difference for switching between images. (Even when the sidebar is
hidden. BTW, the default state of sidebar should be hidden)
c) Bugs: couple found in 5 minutes of usage: Doing a selection on a
image causes the histogram widget to jump around and this resizes the
image display and ends up losing the selection. Another was a crash
which occurred on opening a new imagewindow (not always reproducible)
(bt attached)
d) In case of the imagewindow being opened from the camera window, the
sidebars need to be turned off. right now it crashes reproducibly
e) I second Joern's point about general view being pointless here.
Additionally all the propery pages
(histogram/exif/comments-tag-editor) really need cleanup. But this can
be done later

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