Welcome to the Digest mailing list
Vladislav Blanton
vblanton at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 21:00:17 UTC 2012
Cool! Welcome to the list Martin, your suggestions, input, and actions will
have an effect!
I myself have not been active here for a little while, prioritizing some
other projects and things, but I wanted to make sure to say hello before
moving along :)
wishing you, and the rest of the team, well,
On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 10:22 PM, Martín Cigorraga <martincigorraga at gmail.com
> wrote:
> Hi everyone =)
> Taking Danny's advice I will make a short introduction of myself; I hope I
> will not bore you to death and you have my blessings to delete this email
> if you feel your eyelids heavier and your head falling to any side...
> I recently started collaborating with the Commit-Digest after seeing a
> post in KDE's G+ that workforce was needed for that -I must say- boring but
> necessary task.
> As most of you I have my own story of distro hopping, DE/WM hopping and so
> and as most of you I finally settled on a distro, a DE and a handful of
> apps to work with - ahh!, the beauty of F/LOSS.
> So since I've been using KDE SC since 4.5 version -approximately- and I'm
> committed to help whenever I can like submitting bug reports, looking on
> submitted bug reports, contributing missing artwork -like KRuler,
> KShutdown, Blogilo, etc. tray monochrome icons, still a work in progress-,
> letting people know about KDE SC and it's mind-blowing awesomeness, helping
> on IRC or forums whenever I got a little spare time and now helping
> classify commits.
> I'm aware KDE SC like most F/LOSS is more a work of love than anything
> else with countless people helping with endless hours to the projects just
> for the joy to help, share knowledge, meet other like-minded people and
> grow both as a person and professionally on the way.
> .DOB: 1-Feb-1978
> .COB: Mar del Plata, Bs. As., Argentina
> .Computers I owned (thanks Dad): Timex Sinclair 2068, CZ Sinclair
> Spectrum, Spectrum 48k Plus, Talent MSX DPC-200, Atari 800 XL, Commodore
> 64, MSX Spectravideo 728 with Talent's MSX floppy drive (still got these!).
> Then came the Modern Age when I was forced to use Windows for a long time
> -thus losing my interest in computing- until I finally discovered and
> switched to GNU/Linux in middle 2005: from that point life was shiny again!
> .Strong advocate of F/LOSS, GNU and FSF.
> .Current distro: Arch Linux x86_64
> .Other distros I like: Gentoo / Slackware / Source Mage GNU/Linux / SliTaz
> / Parabola GNU/Linux (Arch Linux 100% Libre)
> .Often used software: KDE SC of course, AwesomeWM (on machines that don't
> meet minimal requeriments for KDE SC), Emacs, tmux (can't even imagine
> working in console without it), Yakuake, nmap, Amarok, mplayer2/UMPlayer,
> Terminator over Konsole when using AwesomeWM, Dolphin (rocks!), strace,
> GiMP, Inkscape, Blender (actually doing my first steps with it), Ranger,
> Transmission BT daemon, MLDonkey, Kontact PIM Suite, OpenWrt, Firefox or
> Chromium depending on how they behave on the current build, just to name a
> few. If I were not such a fan of Emacs I think KDevelop would be my
> preferred IDE. Oh I almost forget: Google. I'm aware of all the privacy
> concerns about it but overall I find the whole Google suite indispensable
> for my everyday's work.
> .Work status: unemployed, left Phantasoft S.R.L. a couple of months ago to
> scout new horizons. Still I'm working as IT freelancer both in my hometown
> and through the intertubes. Also with my sister we run a second-hand
> bookstore so when I'm not hooked to the net reading technical stuff I enjoy
> reading some good literature as well every kind of interesting books or
> magazines.
> .Marital status: single. Hello girls! :D
> .Education: left Law School at second year, after meeting lots of wanna-be
> lawyers personally I decided I don't wanna be sorrounded by them in my
> future professional life >:D Also coursed one year of Computer
> Engineering but got bored and quit. I'm an autodidact. I enjoy far more
> getting courses of things I like or I don't like but know I need to know
> that going the whole academic course.
> .Hobbies: I love to go surfing whenever the sea isn't too cold, being sit
> on my board waiting for the waves and then catching and riding them is one
> of the better things in life; I also enjoy things like spending time with
> my buddies, watching movies, Breaking Bad, Wilfred, BSG, Sherlock (BBS),
> doing outdoor activities, Grimm (Monroe's the best!), playing with my dogs,
> Louis C. K., George Carlin, Doug Stanhope, Bill Hicks, to cook asados
> (sorry, I tried) and pasta, hacking gadgets and software, cold Hoegaarden
> and Guiness, etc. There's so much awesome things to do and so limited time!
> I could never understand people who get bored! To travel, horseriding, to
> study music, getting to the space and founding my own company as MS did...
> so much things.
> Regarding the KDE SC project, I hope I can add my grain of sand to
> contribute making KDE SC the most amazing DE available.
> Cheers,
> Martin
> P.D.: are you still awake!?
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