review questions

Jürgen Appel jeeemeeel at
Wed Nov 7 21:18:22 UTC 2012

hello everyone, glad to be here!

Today I started my first round of reviews. I included most of the bug fix
commits (those with a bko number) and also some which mentioned "this
fixes..." but weren t related to a bug number.
These commits alone amounted to more than the 5% rule would allow.

I suspect I m not  just having a bad day : /
(update: now that I read the 'classification guide'¹ (which I originally
thought is only to be read by the classifiers) I feel even worse. Is the
workflow of reviewer here that the reviewer adds the bugs to the
classifiers table - who then does the triaging of the bugs, like checking
the severity level?)

Secondly, rule no. 7 of the "Specific Guidelines"¹ shines at me with all
its ambiguity and I fail to grasp it's meaning. Does it say that commits to
feature branches (i.e. not being trunk) should exckuded - or that the
commits which merge the feature branch into trunk should be ignored (i.e.
anything saying 'merge')?
In case it's the latter, will the commit message "merge: this finally
brings my long awaited feature xy into trunk" make the commit interesting
because it shows that 'xy' is included for the next feature release?

For some reason I d like to add to the guide¹ that after reviewing the
commits, the reviewer is encouraged to hit the "save" button located in the
lower right corner. I know it s not really a guideline, but it might help
just in case "someone" fails to remark that button..

Now an easy one: do we use irc?

greetings, Juergen.

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