#265 is out

Jürgen Appel jeeemeeel at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 16:10:51 UTC 2012

> :) and thanks to you, Marta!


I m sorry I didnt have the time to write the articles I intended to.
Nonetheless I d love to see the Digest continue reflecting on more than the
commits, you know,  important / interesting stuff that went on elsewhere in
the specific week.

Since I don t get to write proper articles as the flood of events happens,
I suggest having a category where we just mention what happened and link to
it (like releases of KDE SC / Calligra..) and interesting articles that
would otherwise deserve a real article but we couldn t find the time

I started out and called it Spotlight, as usual feel free to edit, change,
delete or suggest anything : )



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