Enzyme -- some comments / suggestions

Danny Allen danny at commit-digest.org
Sat Jan 29 13:44:21 CET 2011

Hi Marco,
All great suggestions - many thanks for taking the time to write this message!

I'll try and get round to implementing at least some of these this weekend, some don't look like they'll take too long to do!

The good thing is, I've already built the feature that logs which section people are in Enzyme, now I just have to build the splitting up of review commits to prevent the issue you mentioned about conflicting actions (i've put it off because it seems complicated :))


p.s. Thanks for the work reviewing commits, an essential job!
I'm going to email some of the inactive people later to try and get them motivated again.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marco Krohn" <marco.krohn at googlemail.com>
To: "digest" <digest at kde.org>
Sent: Saturday, 29 January, 2011 1:36:12 AM
Subject: Enzyme -- some comments / suggestions

Dear all,

It is quite amazing to see how much the team has achieved so
far--great job everyone! Also thanks a lot for all your great work on
the Enzyme platform, Danny. It is so much more complete and usable
than its initial version. My recent contribution was some review work:
in the last few days I looked at around 1500 commits and will continue
to do so! We are now about 12 days behind and I hope we are in
"real-time" mode soon again--some helping hands are welcome!!!

Some things that I have noticed while being in "reviewing spree":

(1) Strings in commit messages like "Bug 210131" are not parsed

(2) Saving commits does not work correctly. I have attached three
screenshots showing what is happening:
  (i) before selecting anything
  (ii) after selecting the first commit message (1214662) for inclusion
  (iii) after pressing save (in the menu bar the message "1 commit
saved" appears).
Result: the first commit message 1214662 is _not_ saved; the second
commit message (1215120) was removed from the list

(3) "commit path sorting": I am not sure how to use this to sort git
commits, e.g., what is the correct entry to categorize the following
commit under "kdemultimedia"?

Commit 6b12b41... by Sergey Ivanov (ivanov)
[Amarok] /

(4) Is commit path sorting case sensitive? For example, there are
currently two entries: (a) "KDevelop/", (b) "/kdevelop/"
If a regex like approach is possible we could certainly delete one version

(5) When reviewing messages my eyes are fixed on the left side of the
screen in order to read the comment and the affected file / path. The
"broken box" icon (for a bug) is the only information which is on the
right hand side of the screen (e.g. see the first screenshot). May I
suggest to move the "broken box" icon to the left hand side of the

(6) Changing previously "selected" to "deselected" is not possible.
For example, select the first entry and deselect the second one. Then
going back (I am using the mouse) to the first one and click on
"deselect" does not work. Instead the third entry becomes deselected.
Btw: the other way around, i.e., changing a deselected entry to a
selected one works as expected.

(7) When I found that something was going wrong (like in (6)) I
intuitively looked for a "cancel" button. May I suggest to add next to
the "save"  button a "cancel" button (which is basically just a link
to "review")

(8) Regarding the git commit id link: linking to projects.kde.org
would be great. However, I am not sure whether the path information
e.g. "calligra/repository" is easily available:


By the way: https://projects.kde.org/projects/ gives a nice overview
of the various KDE git projects.

(9)  I think we had the question in the past: what happens if two
people reviewing commit messages. I found out the hard way after going
through 100 commit messages... someone was a bit faster than me and my
work was lost ;-) At this point I stopped reviewing because I was
afraid to "lose" another round against mutlu :-) On the positive side:
it seems there was no data corruption!

While sorting messages by date makes generally sense I wished some
randomization would have saved some of my work. I do not know whether
there is an easy solution. If user gets a randomized sample of the
commit messages for the next 5 days this would certainly be helpful to
avoid duplication of effort.

Have a great weekend everyone,

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