Suggestions on Adding the Retweet Count and the Favorite Count of a Tweet.

Ahmed Ibrahim Khalil ahmedibrahimkhali at
Fri Jun 28 23:17:28 UTC 2013

Hi All,

I am thinking of adding the retweet count and the favorite count inside the

I've managed to retrieve the retweet count of a tweet but still finding a
way on how to find the favorite count as I don't see any favourite_count
attribute inside the tweet JSON except the favourites_count of a single

If someone know a way please enlighten me.

Finally, I'd like to know what is the best way to implement that feature
for the best UI/UX experience ? In other words where should I put the
retweet count label and how it should be styled as I am not experienced on
UI/UX issues.

Any suggestions would be very helpful and appreciated.

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