Suggestions on Adding the Retweet Count and the Favorite Count of a Tweet.

Daniel Kreuter daniel.kreuter85 at
Tue Jul 2 15:51:29 UTC 2013

Hi Ahmed,

there are only 3 methods regarding favorites (list, destroy and create) but 
no count. So if there is no official way to do this, I won't do this at all.

Maybe Twitter will add such an API somewhere in the future, than we can 
add it.



On Tuesday 02 July 2013 12:00:14 Ahmed Ibrahim Khalil wrote:

Hi Mehrdad,

I didn't test it, because when I test via a browser it gives an error that 
Daniel Kreuter has spoken about (although I am authorized and 
authenticated on the browser){"errors":[{"message":"Could not 
authenticate you","code":32}]}

So I've been waiting for your confirmation first to start doing a Proof of 
Concept first.

And about the bug that you expects, I've seen a famous client( HootSuite ) 
doing the same where it doesn't update the retweet count after creating 
the post widget and also doesn't tell the favorite count, I guess that is 
because no official way to retrieve it.

Finally, What do I think ? IMHO adding just the retweet count as a plugin will 
be sufficient.

If there are other things to implement please tell where I can find the 
requested features.


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