Future releases

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Tue Dec 20 10:58:29 GMT 2016

On 20 December 2016 at 08:12, Dag <danders at get2net.dk> wrote:
> - Who can generate the final release tarball. (pnt 4 below)
>   It must be someone with a trusted pgp key (I'm not trusted, so can't do
> it).
>   It should take <30 minutes, so is there somebody out there who could help?

Any pgp key will do, the only requirement is a packager like myself
can verify it's the one the Calligra devs used which is usually done
by putting it on a pgp key server and putting the full fingerprint on
the release announcement web page and/or e-mails (not on a wiki as
Kirigami devs like to do).

> - Somewhere to upload tarball for testing/checking before released to
> download.kde.org.
>   I thought about ftp://upload.kde.org/incoming but I don't think that is
> possible?

You can't use upload.kde.org no but you could use share.kde.org or any
other of 100 services like Google Drive or Dropbox.

> 6. Publish tarball on download.kde.org (or possibly upload.kde.org)

very few people have direct access to download.kde.org, the normal
process is upload.kde.org and sysadmin request.

> 7. Notify packagers and wait some time (a week?) for feedback

A week feels a bit much to me but as you wish


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