[KDE/Mac] OS X observations

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Mon Jan 5 21:24:18 GMT 2015

On Monday January 05 2015 20:26:29 Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:

Re: Kexi: is there an example or test database I could use to check basic functionality? Databases really are uncharted terrain for me.
(But if you know of someone who wrote something to import my EndNote database, I'd be really interested ;))

Since Kexi has a prominent usage sharing feature on its home page: are there translations for Calligra 2.9 already, or should I dig up the most recent 2.8 translations? Apparently I "shared" the fact I'm using US English regional settings, but that's only because I don't have the translations for the setting I am actually using (EU = UK English).


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