Regarding the matter of Calligra Gemini

Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen admin at
Sat Nov 8 22:13:13 GMT 2014

Hi everybody! :)

  As you're likely aware, over the last few months, i (with the assistance of 
a couple of others) have been working on a new application for Calligra, by 
the name of Calligra Gemini. For those who don't know, it is an application 
encapsulating the Words and Stage components in a user interface designed to 
be able to work on touch enabled devices, and able to switch between that and 
the traditional desktop ui (hence also the name, gemini being the conceptual 
name for these dual-ui applications, which started with Krita Gemini).
  The branch in which it sits contains a number of changes to the rest of 
Calligra, which has enabled the creation of Calligra Gemini, and given the 
reviewboard entry for those changes has now reached shipping status we are now 
at the point where the rest of that branch needs to be considered.
  It is no secret that this work has been made possible by Intel sponsoring KO 
to do this work, but my personal goal is none the less to continue supporting 
it and working on it after this period ends, though obviously i won't have 
quite so much time to do so since it'll be in my spare time rather than a full 
time situation.
  That said, i have found myself in the situation that i am now doing all of 
my writing using Calligra Gemini, and as such i would like others to be able 
to do that too, and preferably soon.

  My proposal is thus:
  - As many people as possible have a try at compiling and running Calligra 
Gemini to see it running (you'll need very up to date libgit2 and libqgit2 
packages (0.21.1 and 0.2.1 respectively), available for opensuse here[1], and 
for others i expect it'll be available from somewhere as well)
  - A merge of the calligra-gemini-ko branch into master asap
  - I will offer myself as maintainer for Calligra Gemini and the Qt Quick 
components that go with them (unless Arjen or Shantanu has objections to the 
latter half, of course, given they wrote the majority of it)

  I am currently working on a demo video of Calligra Gemini, and will be doing 
some more blogging, and if we can get this merge happening soon, i'll also 
produce an article for the dot on the topic (something which was suggested to 
me after my first blog entry about the application last month).

  Look forward to hearing back from you all :)

..Dan // Leinir..

                          or no

                          - Piet Hein

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