Calligra Sprint 2014 in July or August now: exact date finding started

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Wed Apr 2 21:45:03 BST 2014


due to being too late for also getting sponsored out of the KDE e.V. budget 
for sprints in Q2 (second quartal of year) we have to cancel the plan to do a 
sprint on May 31th - June 1st (unless someone has up to 3000 EUR up the 
sleeves ready to get things still rolling with the old date?).
(quite a number of sprints in Q2, actually nice to see KDE people active, just 
bad for us and our timing)

Means, we are back to point 0. Which is finding a date and a place for the 
sprint, in Q3 (for new hope on sponsoring by KDE e.V. supporters).

If you are interested to join the sprint, which is basically about the port of 
Calligra to Qt5/KF5, please point your browser to this doodle, and tell when 
in July or August you could make it to a destination somewhere in Europe:

Deadline: Monday, April 14th, somewhen in the Europe morning


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