[Plan] feature proposal: Vertical bar to mark today's date

Jean-Nicolas Artaud jeannicolasartaud at gmail.com
Sun May 12 17:24:54 BST 2013

2013/5/11 Maxime Haselbauer <maxime.haselbauer at googlemail.com>

> **
> Dear All,

> I am using Plan for a small project,
Great news!

> I was thinking that it would be good to have the following feature:
>    - On the Gantt graphic view, a vertical line would symbolized todays
>    date.
>    - Or altenatively fade to grey everything that is in the past.
> In my opinion, if you choose to implement the second one (fade to grey)
don't forget that there are two kind of past elements: the done, and the
undone! Fading to grey an past undone element would be a mistake because it
could be forgotten by the project manager. Being late on a project is
something that happens on plenty of projects, so don't forget that point.
Maybe the vertical line is better for these reasons.

> This way it would be easier for the project manager to graphically see
> what should have been done and what should be the current status of the
> project.
> What do you think about that?
> Alternatively I could try to do it my self.

I think that is a really good solution to have this new feature implemented

I have made so far two Qt applications for desktop and N900 so I know a bit
> how to code, but I am very litlle skilled. Also it would be nice if a
> developper of Plan advice me on how to do that (which part of the code
> should I look at)

Sorry, I don't develop on plan so maybe go on IRC freenode #calligra, I
pretty sure someone will answer you there ;-)

> Thanks
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