[Plan] feature proposal: Vertical bar to mark today's date

Maxime Haselbauer maxime.haselbauer at googlemail.com
Sat May 11 11:17:06 BST 2013

Dear All,

I am using Plan for a small project,
I was thinking that it would be good to have the following feature:
On the Gantt graphic view, a vertical line would symbolized todays date. 
Or altenatively fade to grey everything that is in the past.

This way it would be easier for the project manager to graphically see what 
should have been done and what should be the current status of the project.

What do you think about that?

Alternatively I could try to do it my self.
I have made so far two Qt applications for desktop and N900 so I know a bit 
how to code, but I am very litlle skilled. Also it would be nice if a 
developper of Plan advice me on how to do that (which part of the code should 
I look at)

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