Review Request 109746: Expansion of the References section by adding features to insert hyperlinks, bookmarks and links to bookmarks.

Aman Madaan madaan.amanmadaan at
Thu Mar 28 20:42:39 GMT 2013

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(Updated March 28, 2013, 8:42 p.m.)

Review request for Calligra.


This version of the patch fixes most of the issues raised during the first review. 
    1. Fixed the trailing whitespaces, indentation and other formatting issues.
    2. Added a list widget to display all the bookmarks.
    3. Added the fetch button above the line edit.
    4. Added an insert button in select bookmark dialog.
    5. Changed additional options to advanced options and added it all in a QGroupBox.
    6. Changed the title to "Manage Bookmarks"

    Among others.


This patch adds the following features : 

1. Inserting hyperlinks
   -- User has a choice of inserting a link by specifying the target and the link text. Additionally, the 
      user may supply values for target and rel attributes using a drop down list.  
   -- The user may fetch the title from the web page itself (contents of the "title" tag ). This feature also
      handles URL redirects. For example, is finally redirected to
      This feature will especially help in cases when a user has a list of links referred to and a list of 
      references has to be created. Just copy/pasting the URL, clicking fetch and then insert will do the job.

2. Linking to bookmarks
   -- A user can specify a bookmark name and the link text. To help the user with inserting bookmark, 
      an auto completer is used. This becomes helpful when the bookmarks have been given a name that 
      are related to the context. (lastpagefirstpara or conclusions).

3. Adding Bookmark using a labeled widget ( similar to the way footnote and endnote labels are entered )

Diffs (updated)

  plugins/textshape/CMakeLists.txt b2bf9ae 
  plugins/textshape/ReferencesTool.h 21caea8 
  plugins/textshape/ReferencesTool.cpp 46bf06f 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/BookmarkLinkInsertionWidget.h PRE-CREATION 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/BookmarkLinkInsertionWidget.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/BookmarkLinkInsertionWidget.ui PRE-CREATION 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/LinkInsertionDialog.h PRE-CREATION 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/LinkInsertionDialog.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/LinkInsertionDialog.ui PRE-CREATION 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/SelectBookmark.ui PRE-CREATION 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/SelectBookmarkDialog.h PRE-CREATION 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/SelectBookmarkDialog.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/SimpleBookmarkWidget.h PRE-CREATION 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/SimpleBookmarkWidget.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/SimpleBookmarkWidget.ui PRE-CREATION 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/SimpleCitationBibliographyWidget.cpp 2d1c1de 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/SimpleCitationBibliographyWidget.ui 55699bb 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/SimpleLinksWidget.h PRE-CREATION 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/SimpleLinksWidget.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/SimpleLinksWidget.ui PRE-CREATION 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/SimpleTableOfContentsWidget.h adfd010 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/WeblinkInsertionWidget.h PRE-CREATION 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/WeblinkInsertionWidget.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/WeblinkInsertionWidget.ui PRE-CREATION 
  words/part/KWView.cpp 8639acd 



I have tested the following components : 
1	  Inserting Hyperlinks			
1.1	Simplest case  (works)		
1.2	Fetch title from URL (works)		
1.3	Fetch title from URL which has re directions (works)		
1.4	specify a URL without a scheme (works, appending an http:// to all the schemeless urls)
1.5	fetching from an non existing URL (Time out occurs and notifies user about the same)
2	Adding Bookmarks			
2.1	Simplest case (works)		
2.2	Adding a duplicate bookmark i.e. using a name that has been used before(User is notified and bookmark addition is aborted)	
3	Adding link to a bookmark			
3.1	Simplest case (works)		
3.2	Adding a link to a non existing bookmark (works,User is notified about non existence of the bookmark)
4	Manage bookmarks
4.1	user clicks on manage bookmarks	(works, Copy pasted the existing implementation. Looks like delete bookmark is broken.)	


Aman Madaan

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