Product sets and platforms (e.g. OS X)

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Sun Mar 24 20:32:00 GMT 2013

Am Sonntag, 24. März 2013, 14:24:44 schrieb Yuë Liu:
> On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 10:04 AM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
> <kossebau at> wrote:
> > Hi Yue,
> > 
> > if I understand correctly you are using the osx.cmake as
> > "all-that-builds-on- osx" product set, right? When you asked me at the
> > sprint about product sets, I did not have a clear mind about it. But
> > meanwhile I get the opinion that product sets should be orthogonal to
> > what can be build on a platform. As ideally all products should be
> > buildable everywhere, and if not, they should be simply left out from the
> > build (like happens now when a required external dependency is not
> > found).
> osx.cmake is used when compile with the macports ports i made and
> generate osx installer package,
> those ports lacks some dependencies so
> i cannot build
> pivot table feature has some compatibility issue with clang so i disabled
> no braindump, karbon, plan because i heard they are unmaintained on
> sprint, i'll reenable braindump later.
> if one wants to build everything he can still use all.cmake on osx
> only if he has all the calligra dependencies installed.

Okay, thanks for the explanation.

What about renaming osx.cmake to macports.cmake, so it is more obvious to 
everyone? The comment in the file could also hint to the usage :)

BTW, my latest commit should also automatically result in the building of all 
possible filters, no need to list them explicitely, unless you want to, but 
the better do not use the meta products.


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