Going to request remove of any Calligra app icons from the Oxygen iconset
Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau at kde.org
Fri Jan 11 09:49:01 GMT 2013
Am Montag, 7. Januar 2013, 23:09:41 schrieb Jaroslaw Staniek:
> On 7 January 2013 22:57, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <kossebau at kde.org> wrote:
> > while looking at syncing the (new) Calligra app icons (*-app-*) and their
> > usage I found a problem:
> > installing the app icons as hicolor in the global icon folders only
> > installs them as kind of pick-as-last-ressort-if-not-part-of-icontheme.
> > And at least karbon, kexi and krita are part of the Oxygen iconset*, the
> > others are save due to the name change.
> > * cmp. e.g.
> > http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/kdesupport/oxygen-icons/32x32/apps/
> >
> > So the icons installed ourselves will not be used for these three programs
> > :/ A way around might be to rename those icons and also prefix with
> > calligra. But not sure if you like that.
> +1
> > At least I am going to request the removal of any Calligra app icon from
> > the Oxygen iconset, so this problem will be past in the future ;)
> +1
Requested and after no veto meanwhile executed by myself, by removing the
icons from oxygen iconset in trunk and the 4.10 branch.
So starting with KDE Platform 4.10 there are no more karbon, kexi and krita
app icons installed with the oxygen iconset, so no icons shadowing the hi*-
app-{karbon,kexi,krita} installed from the Calligra packages/sources.
Poses the question if in the Calligra sources the icons should be still
renamed to calligrakarbon, calligrakexi and calligrakrita (and thus not
matching the app names), or if we are okay with that with KDE Platforms <= 4.9
only the older version of the icons, as coming from the oxygen iconset, are
I would argue to keep the icon names as they are. Because I assume that most
people for now who might be using Calligra apps will use the latest KDE SC as
well, so given that Calligra 2.6 only arrives after KDE Platform 4.10 with the
current release plans, they should not be affected by the icon shadowing.
And that way all app icon names will match the names of the executables. Which
I like at least for consistency.
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