Review Request: renaming style and add new style

C. Boemann cbo at
Wed May 23 14:46:22 BST 2012

On Wednesday 23 May 2012 15:41:43 Pierre Stirnweiss wrote:
> And since this list uses the styleModel, I see the use case now, even if in
> my mind it is a bit verging on the abuse of the model.
> I am not so sure about the stylesModel API pollution (method
> AddNewParagraphStyle) however. Is there a way to make clearer what this
> really is? Such things otherwise tend to be wrongly used down the line
> (undo/redo framework is a perfect example). I can already see someone in a
> couple of months looking at the stylesModel API and see
> AddNewParagraphStyle and think well, that is how you add a new style.
> For example can't we make that a private method with a less generic name
> and friend the appropriate classes?

Yes you are right. Right now moji is just trying to get the functionality 
working. I'm not so concerned with the details. After all I am the one who 
asked him to put up this review hald finished and maybe not even compiling, to 
just get a glimpse, not to do a review

But if you have an idea for a name please suggest

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