Chaining textboxes, enhancing OpenDocument formats...

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Mon Mar 5 09:05:22 GMT 2012

Am Montag, 5. März 2012, 04:58:57 schrieb Thorsten Zachmann:
> Hello Friedrich,
> > is there really no support for chaining textboxes in OpenDocument, so text
> > content is flowing between those boxes, as needed? Please tell me there
> > is.
> there is
> 19.118 draw:chain-next-name

Ah, verrry good, thanks (somehow that entry managed to slip my eyes and grep 
skills for a few days, me).

> which does what you are looking for and it is already supported in Calligra.

But not in all programs, or? At least in the Karbon UI I could not find a way 
to connect two non-artistic text shapes, while in Words UI I do get a dialog 
if I add another text shape.

> > If not, where are actual discussions of the OpenDocument formats
> > enhancement happening, so I could propose/discuss this feature I am used
> > to from document layouting software from almost two decades ago? The
> > public OASIS mailing lists I found are dormant at least.
> The work done in OpenDocument is dicussed by the OpenDocument Technical
> Committee. Jos van den Oever and myself are members of this TC. If you have
> something that needs adding e.g. as it is not there yet you can write it
> down and forward it to us so that we bring it before the TC.

Good, will do that soon.


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