shortcuts for styles

Gopalakrishna Bhat gopalakbhat at
Mon Jun 4 16:02:50 BST 2012


-----Original Message-----
From: "C. Boemann"
Sent:  04/06/2012, 18:51 
To: Calligra Suite developers and users mailing list
Subject: shortcuts for styles


I found this wish:

It's about being able to assign shortcuts to styles. I think it makes a lot of 
sense from a usability point of view, when just looking at the overall idea

However from a more technical point of view, as well as usability, it has some 
problems. Styles are not fixed. A new set of styles come with every document so 
it's not possible to assign shortcuts on a really permanent level. This may 
make shortcuts less attractive, as you would have to learn new shortcuts for 
every document.

There are several solutions to the various challenges

1)  We could have some kind of automatic shortcut system where it would assign 
say Ctrl+F1 to the first level 1 outline style it finds. Multiple presses could 
switch between multiple such styles. The same with Ctrl+F1 for level 2 etc.

2) We could let the user decide on a per document basis. If we store some sane 
defaults in the templates it may not be so difficult to remember, but documents 
from other source would have a problem. The shortcuts would have to be saved 
in settings.xml

There are probably more problems and solution.

One more approach we can use is assign a shortcut which brings up the style combobox. Once the combobox is up the styles can be filtered as the user types the style name.

Please share your thoughts.

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