overflow-behavior with text boxes: clip does not clip?

C. Boemann cbo at boemann.dk
Sun Feb 26 17:20:04 GMT 2012

On Saturday 25 February 2012 13:34:07 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> Hi,
> I expected "style:overflow-behavior" set to "clip" with no minimum size set
> to result in text which does not fit in a draw:text-box to be clipped,
> i.e. not shown. But instead text is also rendered outside of the text box
> (see attached screenshot).
> Is that a bug or a feature?
> From the spec:
> > If the style:overflow-behavior attribute value is auto-create-new-frame
> > and
> the text box has a minimum width or height specified the text box will grow
> as long as there is space left on the page. If no space is left, a new
> frame will be created on the next page, with the same position and
> dimensions of the original frame.
> > The defined values for the style:overflow-behavior attribute are:
> > ●clip: text that does not fit into a text box is not displayed.
> > ●auto-create-new-frame: a new frame will be created on the next page,
> > with
> the same position and dimensions of the original frame.
> * See http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.2/os/OpenDocument-v1.2-os-
> part1.html#property-style_overflow-behavior
I'm not sure it's a bug or something we do on purpose to be compatible with ms 

> If it is a bug, what I think it is, where would I have to look to fix it?
> And proposals how to do that?
It's probably handled in the textshape and especially in the container model

But I'd really like Sebastian to reply to this thread

> And how would you propose to mark in the editor display that there is more
> text which is not shown? IIRC some programs had a symbol in the middle
> handler rectangle in the bottem ( a + or \/ symbol, cmp. again the
> attachment). As I find those hard to see, making the handle wider might be
> also an option, somehow matching the state "more content here". Such
> handler states could also be used for all other clipped objects, like
> pixmaps, to show off there is actually more content, just not displayed.
> And clicking that handler resulted in the textbox expanding to the bottom
> as much as possible/needed. Might be a nice feature to add as another
> step.
> Cheers
> Friedrich

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