Who feels in charge for the Chart plugin?

Sebastian Sauer mail at dipe.org
Mon Aug 6 08:17:52 BST 2012

On 08/04/2012 08:55 PM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> Hi Sebastian,
> Am Samstag, 4. August 2012, 15:37:46 schrieb Inge Wallin:
>> On Saturday, August 04, 2012 14:23:44 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
>>> Am Samstag, 4. August 2012, 14:19:37 schrieb Inge Wallin:
>>>> On Saturday, August 04, 2012 13:37:20 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> to find someone to work on the missing icons for the chart types, see
>>>>> http://community.kde.org/Calligra/Icons/Shared_icons#Chart_Types , I
>>>>> wonder
>>>>> how much KDAB is interested to join the efforts, as the chart plugin
>>>>> is
>>>>> based on KDChart from what I see.
>>>>> Anyone with a clue here?
>>>>> Whom to contact and make big pretty eyes with fluttering eyelashes? :)
>>>> That would be me and/or erione. We have done all the work on the chart
>>>> shape the last year (except for your excellent polishing work).
>>> (mh, did not polish chart stuff, but thanks anyway :) )
>>> So what is the current relation to the KDAB variant? Has that chart code
>>> just been a code drop/fork, or is KDAB still also using the very same
>>> code?
>> The code is actively maintained and is sold as a stand-alone product.
>> See http://www.kdab.com/kdab-products/kd-chart/
>> According to them there is a new version coming out very soon now. It should
>> have been July already but I haven't seen any announcement.

The 2.5 release is work on progress.

WIth my Calligra hat on (personal opinion that is) I would suggest to 
not hurry to adapt to the new release simply cause there are lot of 
changes and they need proper testing against the Calligra use-cases 
(means the chartshape-plugin and ods-documents). While this days its 
much easier by just running cstester it would still be needed to test 
editing manually, etc. So, there is quit a bit of work before to do to 
be sure no regressions are introduced and if are they need to be addressed.

>>> And who is the contact person at KDAB for the chart code?
>> I'm not sure who is the product manager. I normally talk with Sebastian
>> Sauer.
> So do I try to do now :)
> Sebastian, do you use the Oxygen icons for the chart types in the KDAB product
> as well and could think about sharing them, or do you have your own icons and
> we (Calligra/KDE/Oxygen) have to create the missing icons ourselves in any
> case?

To my knowledge KDChart do not have icons for its chart-types. KDChart 
is a library and not an application with UI, themed icons, etc. It ships 
with lot of example applications but none of them is really in any way a 
"full featured standalone charting application" with icons and all that.

> As mentioned in the text above, the icons talked about are these:
> http://community.kde.org/Calligra/Icons/Shared_icons#Chart_Types

I think its needed to do the same that was done with the other 
diagram-type icons used in the chartshape-plugin editing UI: Create them :)
The alternate would be to look of there are public domain/... icons for 
various chart-types available somewhere but then they may not exactly 
look oxygen-like too...

best regards

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