[rant] Target audience for calligra-suite.org

Jaroslaw Staniek staniek at kde.org
Mon Nov 14 20:50:20 GMT 2011

Congratulations and thanks for organizers of the Sprint and thanks to
attendees - _you_ are Calligra!
Because Calligra project is so ambitious plans we covered only some of
topics and would need extra week or more.

One thing not covered is web site. It is sad to admit but
calligra-suite.org quickly become "calligra-devel.org" in my eyes.

News like [1] with embedded shell commands easily contradict the idea
of end-user-oriented product.
This doesn't mean I am against power-user and developer news on the
web site but it definitely fits best to community.kde.org or Developer
or Contribute section of calligra-suite.org.

This note of criticism is needed as much as previous criticism of
kde.org raised by Dion Moult, getkde.org / kde-www-war author: Users
run away from our web site screaming.

More than once, the answer I am getting from the community is that
_currently_ Calligra is more about engine and not applications. It
makes sense and I do contribute to that vision (with real code too)
but then why not to make Calligra Engine(s) first-class message
replacing calligra-is-suite-of-apps message?

Doing it too simply would however in some way hurt apps such as Krita
or Kexi, apps that do intend to be more apps than shells around
various engines. But these two apps already have user-oriented web
sites (and I think this it not coincidence - they have users). So
there is no threat to them but the dream is to have suite with
somewhat common vision.

A constructive note: we may need proper sections on the web page
leading to clear separation of content, per audience. Actually
everything is mixed up as on a personal blog. This situation is
clearly very similar to what we had before renaming KOffice.

Another note: the web usability is suboptimal - current top news
refers to so important milestone beta 3 but at
http://www.calligra-suite.org/ there is no mention it was released
(and what is the most recent test version) because the news is hidden
in archives. Instead, news from april is on the top. It is not up to
Cyrille, maintainer, to take care of this. His time is too valuable.
There is clearly something wrong with the web site, so wrong that even
set of static html generated by a script (think excellent
http://webodf.org) would save me writing this post.

[1] http://www.calligra-suite.org/news/announcements/beta-3-packaging-updates/

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
 Kexi & Calligra (kexi-project.org, identi.ca/kexi, calligra-suite.org)
 KDE Software Development Platform on MS Windows (windows.kde.org)

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