[calligra] kplato/libs/kernel/tests: Add unit tests for kptcommand, calendar commands.

Cyrille Berger Skott cberger at cberger.net
Sun Mar 27 19:06:23 BST 2011

On Sunday 27 March 2011, Pierre Stirnweiss wrote:
> Actually it does not seem so, and it compiles fine here (on windows).
> I don't really understand what the problem is here.
Ah I think I have figured it out:

on l457: of your unit test:
CalendarModifyDateCmd *cmd1 = new CalendarModifyDateCmd(calendar1, day1, 

But the function signature:
CalendarModifyDateCmd( Calendar *cal, CalendarDay *day, QDate &value, const 
QString& name = QString() );

And if you look carefully at the third argument it is a "QDate &", and it is 
not allowed in C++ (at least until c++0/1x, and then you would need some extra 
characters) to pass a temporary to a reference. However I am guessing that 
there is a missing "const" in the constructor of CalendarModifyDateCmd and 
that would solve the problem.

Cyrille Berger Skott

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