2.4 Release Plan

Inge Wallin inge at lysator.liu.se
Thu Jan 13 09:29:48 GMT 2011

On Thursday, January 13, 2011 10:12:26 Cyrille Berger Skott wrote:
> On Thursday 13 January 2011, Inge Wallin wrote:
> > What we have to keep in mind is that a quick release that is not good
> > enough  is actually a delay.  It's a delay until Calligra is relevant and
> > it's a delay until people can get a good version into their hands.
> I don't see why it is a delay.

Ok, let me explain.  Suppose that we release in 5 months and that the release 
is not good enough (i.e. as usual with KOffice).  The next release is in 6 
months after that.  This means that it will take 11 months until the user can 
get a usable Calligra suite.

Now, if we instead prolong the initial release phase to, say, 7 months and by 
doing that make sure that the release is in fact good enough then the user 
gets a usable Calligra in 7 months.

This means that the early release delays the time that the user can get 
his/her hands on a usable Calligra with 4 months.  All figures are just 
examples, of course, but the reasoning stands.

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