Marketing Message for Calligra

Cyrille Berger Skott cberger at
Thu Dec 22 09:51:18 GMT 2011


Since your message concerns as much the marketing message as the website, I 
have taken the liberty to split my answer in two.

Here is the part concerning the marketing message.

That is really great and important to start thinking about it. However, I 
would really like us to avoid any kind of disproportionate exagerating message 
like "the leader in free mobile office applications". That might be true, to 
some extent... First of all calligra does not have a mobile interface, being 
available on the N9 under the "Harmattan Office UI" (which is still closed 
source, or did I miss something ?) is more of a victory of the engine, not bad 
in itself. Secondly, and probably more important (and very sadly), Calligra is 
only available on the N9(xx), which has a market share of a maximum of 0.1%. 
It is nowhere to be seen on a widely spread smartphome platform ie Android (or 
iPhone or Symbian).
Once it is available on Android, saying that we are the "the leader in free 
mobile office applications" will have a strong echo compared to being available 
on a marginal platform.

In my opinion, being humble is really important, especially if you consider 
who is currently reading our marketting messages right now. We are mostly 
talking to people who are highly informed, most of them know where Calligra 
comes from, and many would labeled it as a project that makes promises but do 
not deliver.

So saying something like "Calligra is available on a wide range of platform, 
from desktop to mobile." Or a bit more catchy, "Takes Calligra with you 
everywhere you go, from your desktop to your mobile", is really fine. But 
saying we are the leader in a market where we are only available to less than 
0.1% seems too strong.

Other than that, I agree with your list of strong points.

Cyrille Berger Skott

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