Help regarding project

Sebastian Sauer mail at
Mon Dec 19 05:35:43 GMT 2011

On 12/18/2011 09:33 PM, Panks wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> This is Pankaj, I am a second year CS student at Indian Institute of 
> Technology, Madras.
> I am interested in contributing to Calligra.
> While going through last year (2011) gsoc idea page I found these 
> ideas interesting:
> Project: PDF-Import and/or PDF-Export AND Integrate with Akonadi for 
> Calligra Words
> and Project: PSD File import/export Support for Calligra Krita
> I would like to work upon one or more(depends on time) of these ideas.
> But since I am new to KDE, I would like someone to mentor/help me 
> along with the project.
> So, can someone please help me along with?
> Credentials: I have knowledge of C++ and Qt.

and hello Pankaj,

I would be willing to mentor you on getting a PDF-Import filter for 
Calligra Words done. I am available in our irc-channel #calligra (on 
irc:// - use e.g. the "Konversation" 
application to connect to IRC) as "sebsauer".

First steps would be;
1. Build Calligra yourself from the sources. See
2. Get a KDE git-account to commit work you do. See
3. Get familar with the area where the work will happen. That is the 
filter-framework. We are going to write a filter-plugin that reads 
PDF-files using the poppler library and then generating OpenDocument 
ODF. The filter-framework will take care of all the things around 
including passing the resulting ODT-file on to Calligra Words so it's 
loaded+displayed and the user can edit+save.

For point 3 you may like to have a look at;
* in our sources at the Text-file importer located at 
calligra/filters/words/ascii/AsciiImport.cpp to have an idea how a 
filter looks like.
* at the poppler-library. For that install libpoppler (if not already 
installed cause it's a pretty standard-library used by applications like 
Okular to display PDF-files). There look at the header-files to have an 
idea how the API looks like.

Once those initial steps are done we would create an initial filter 
skeleton for the PDF-import filter. We could basically copy the 
AsciiFilter linked above over and 1) change the CMakeLists.txt to link 
against libpoppler and 2) change the desktop file so we take PDF-files 
as input and not text-files like the text-filter does and 3) start to 
use the libpoppler-API to evaluate the PDF-document.

So much for the start :-)

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