Selling Krita through Apple AppStore
Cyrille Berger Skott
cberger at
Fri Dec 9 18:34:38 GMT 2011
On Friday 09 December 2011, Inge Wallin wrote:
> On Friday, December 09, 2011 02:24:16 Alex Sarmiento wrote:
> > As far as i know, Apple never said that they pulled out the VLC App from
> > the AppStore because the GPL license was incompatible, nobody knows why
> > was pulled out . Just because some idiotic Nokia employee doesn't like
> > Apple doesn't means that you can't publish GPL software in the AppStore
> What about LGPL? Almost all of Calligra is licensed under LGPL and the
> differences are quite profound even if small.
Does not matter, since about 25% is GPL, those 25% makes the whole Calligra
GPL, unless you remove the GPL code from the distribution on Apple store.
> Besides, (L)GPL allows you to publish the source code from somewhere else
> than you publish the binaries if the binaries are accompanied with an
> offer to send the source code on request.
Source code is not the only condition in GPL. For instance, GPLv3 has a clause
that say that the use should be able to run a modified version of the software
on the same hardware, making the GPLv3 clearly incompatible with idevice.
However, for the GPLv2 is a gray area.
Cyrille Berger Skott
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