Selling Krita through Apple AppStore

Inge Wallin inge at
Fri Dec 9 08:40:35 GMT 2011

On Friday, December 09, 2011 02:24:16 Alex Sarmiento wrote:
> As far as i know, Apple never said that they pulled out the VLC App from
> the AppStore because the GPL license was incompatible, nobody knows why
> was pulled out .  Just because some idiotic Nokia employee doesn't like
> Apple doesn't means that you can't publish GPL software in the AppStore

What about LGPL?  Almost all of Calligra is licensed under LGPL and the 
differences are quite profound even if small.

Besides, (L)GPL allows you to publish the source code from somewhere else than 
you publish the binaries if the binaries are accompanied with an offer to send 
the source code on request.

> says
> "Software licensed only under the GPL (because the App Store Terms of
> Service impose additional restrictions incompatible with the GPL)[8][9]"
> but if  you pay attention to those references [8] and [9]
> You will notice that those are just personal opinions and obscure
> references without any legal ground.
> There's another very popular GPL  app in the AppStore
> And I am sure that there is more GPL software.
> Please notice that  the  Apple Store is just another distribution channel
> for the end user.  You can always share a link to the  the source code.
> You can even pack a tarbal with the source codel inside the  Bundle (why
> not?).
> On Dec 8, 2011, at 5:46 PM, Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
> > On 8 December 2011 22:17, Alex Sarmiento <alexsarmiento at> wrote:
> >> Right now i am adding support for Mac os X Lion native fullscreen , file
> >> choosers and unified title and menu bars to the whole KDE and Krita
> >> apps.
> >> 
> >>  It works and feel better that way under MacOS, with a more native and
> >> 
> >> integrated experience. It only takes some minor tweaks to the source
> >> code
> >> 
> >> So i thought  that it would be nice if i can just could buy some of this
> >> apps directly from the mac store, like Okular,Kate and Krita.
> >> 
> >> That would be a nice founding channels for these projects.
> >> 
> >> Take for example CyberDuck (, which has a GPL
> >> License and is being sell at 24$ in the
> >> AppleStore.
> >>
> >> 
> >> Im not really sure what it takes to put an App in the AppStore, but if
> >> those CyberDucks guys can, maybe Krita could earn some extra money that
> >> way too.
> > 
> > Alex, I understand your motivation but for some license
> > incompatibilities with the AppStore, please see [1] first.
> > 
> > Then look that CyberDuck may be not the very similar example if it is
> > dual-licensed (easy in a small development team). My guess - correct
> > me.
> > 
> > [1]

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