Code of the last calligra version

Diego Turcios diegoturciostc at
Tue Apr 5 14:28:37 BST 2011

Hi guys.
I'm proposing myself to the GSoC with the Calligra Words PDF-Import
and/or PDF-Export Project.
I was reading the old code of the version 1.6, when calligra uses the
xpdf library. I think it will be great to use this clases (They are
two, pdfdocument and pdfimport), substitute the xpfd references with
the ones of the poppler library.

Right now I want to see the code of the stable version of Calligra,
but there is link
on the site, there is no any available mirror.

Can someone tell me where I can found this code?

Diego Turcios
Ubuntu User  # 27518
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