Names of the binaries

Inge Wallin inge at
Sat Dec 18 15:59:58 GMT 2010

I think it would be a good idea to prefix our binaries with cs.  Examples 
would be cswords, cstables and so on. OOo does this with binaries like 
oowriter, oocalc, etc.  I *think* Libreoffice does the same but I'm not sure.


 - It follows the pattern

 - It helps the memory

 - It will be easier to find them for people that don't know all the names.
   cs<tab> will quickly give all the alternatives

 - The prefix is more unique.  For example, for tables, ta<tab> gives:
tabs     tac      tail     tailf    talk     tar      taskset
   t<tab> gives 112 alternatives

 - It feels good :-)  
   Yeah, this is very subjective, of course.

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