[Bugsquad] Future BugDays

Myriam Schweingruber schweingruber at pharma-traduction.ch
Sat Sep 11 16:00:28 CEST 2010

Hi all,

On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 20:38, Jaime <jtamate at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I took part in the first forum-based BugDay, and I must say that from
> a triager point of view, it is almost as complex to write the resuts
> in the forum as in the wiki.
> But Darío knows it best.
> A possible way to get new people.. The set of batches reviewed by
> someone and divided into 2 or 3 levels of complexity (from easy to
> hard). That way new people could do the easy ones to get some
> experience.

And how would you do that? It would involve triaging bugs, which is
the whole point of a bug day...

> 2010/9/9 Michael Leupold <lemma at confuego.org>:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm in need of help for getting BugSquad and our BugDays back into
>> shape. Unfortunately the last two (Dolphin and Krita) were mostly
>> unsuccessful in drawing enough attention to get some new people into bug
>> triage - possibly because I didn't get around marketing them early
>> enough. I'd welcome any ideas and help for promotion you have as well as
>> in carrying out the actual BugDay.
>> Furthermore I've been thinking whether we should continue BugDay triage
>> using the wiki approach or use the KDE forum system. Did any of you take
>> part in a forum-based BugDay? Did it work out well? How was the response
>> of unexperienced people?

I am not sure there is an advantage to use the forum instead of IRC.
The only imaginable one would be to integrate those who don't "like"
IRC, but you loose the immediateness of IRC.
Personally I see IRC as a real-time collaboration tool. While the
forum is nice for support,  during a bug day you need the immediate
response, and that is something you don't have with the forum. We
could use email as well in that case, the speed is the same, and
nobody suggested to use this mailing list for bug days so far, or did
I just miss that suggestion?

Understand me well, I like the forum a lot and use it daily for
support, but it is simply not suitable for bug tracking, so why would
it be for a bug day? Using it for instructions? Well, we have the wiki
for that, so again the forum would be redundant. In bug triaging time
counts a lot, so loosing time to integrate yet another tool is not
really productive IMHO.

Regards, Myriam.

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